Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I flip on the TV in the kitchen every night around seven; after working all day, after the supper gig, after walking, and my choices are (without even my LIMITED FRICKIN cable connection) Inside Edition, I Hate That Stupid Frickin Raymond and Entertainment Tonight. As the lesser of three evils, I usually have ET blaring in the background as I unload the dishwasher, fix the coffee pot for the next morning, make my lunch, throw in a load of clothes, as I wait for prime time to begin. Because I have no life.

Honestly. Isn't Anna Nicole dead? Because I swear I thought I heard that she died.

Apparently ET has no idea she's dead because they talk about her EVERY DAY. Ad nasuem. For months now. They show video of her family. They show lost videos of her "career". They show videos of her baby and the two Baby Daddy's. They talk about how pitiful and painful her life was. I think if they show me the picture of her kissing that Grampa/Husband one more time I will lose my mind.

Today they're reading lost pages of her diary; "her secret thoughts that she never wanted anyone to know." They're showing her "lost" high school photo, "with soft brown hair and bangs curled under". They're showing video of her talking about what a dim bulb she was in school and how everyone was mean to her.

Is America really that starved for celebrity news? Any publicity is good publicity?

No wonder the world hates us.

But I will say, in her skinny years, Anna looks an awful lot like Reese Witherspoon.

I'm just saying.