Thursday, November 02, 2006


Is it me or are TV commercials becoming a tad too...much?

Gotta go gotta go gotta go right now? Although erections lasting for more than 4 hours may occur rarely with ED treatments, it is important to seek immediate medical help. Suffering from Abdominal pain or discomfort, Bloating and Constipation?

At least all the ads for that junk use medical jargon and relatively normal looking people to illustrate the nasty images they bring to mind. Eeewww.

But I just watched a big fat cartoon phlegm couple take up residence in some unsuspecting little kid's chest. And frankly, I think the phlegm couple might be related to that nasty toe fungus b@st@rd that gives me nightmares.

Did we really need to bring cartoons into this? Is nothing sacred?

Sunday, October 29, 2006


I'm watching No Direction Home on PBS. That, and copious amounts of beer, are the perfect antidote to the day that falls behind. And frankly? It's my absolute most favorite day of the year.

I'm grooving that my extra hour today is spent with Dylan; while I think about the roots of rock and roll, and protest rock, and civil rights, and how it took so, so many voices to shape, and ultimately change, the landscape of America.

Each and every one of us truly makes a difference.

How effing cool is that?