My house is dirty. I hate when people say, "My house might be messy but it's clean underneath." My house is usually pretty well picked up, but basically there's a layer of crud underneath. Laundry is usually done, but it's stacked in baskets all over my bedroom. The kitchen counters are cleared off, but the sink is full of dishes; and that's a shame since I have a dishwasher...that usually needs emptied of clean dishes. Per usual, I need to scrub floors, run the sweeper and get out the Pledge and the Windex. I really need to do something about this situation today.
I have a huge plastic storage bin full of family photos that need scanned and put on disk. I got custody of them when my folks died in 2001 and the plan is to make a copy of everything for each of my three siblings and then arrange the hard copies into some kind of albums or books or something and divide them up. This project has been in process since 2002 when I moved into the homestead. And honestly? It's not my fault it hasn't got off the ground yet. I unhook my printer every time I move my puter (at least once a week) and now I can't get it to work at all. Sometimes I get so far as to actually start sorting the photos into some kind of semblence of order...and then a holiday comes along and I shove them all into envelopes and back in the huge plastic storage bin. Freduian, perhaps? Am I not ready to deal with this yet?
My cellar scares me. Some people have basements....I have a cellar. This house was built in the twenties, with a ceramic block foundation. That leaks. And molds. And smells. Spiders love it down there. I think mice would love it down there if it weren't for my firece hunter - killer cat (heh). My parent's old worthless crap is down there. My old worthless crap is down there. My son's old worthless crop is down there. The world's old worthless crap is down there. I'm sorry. I just can't continue to think about this right now. It's bumming me out.
I spent about three million dollars when I moved in here on new windows and doors, a new furnace, gutters, paint job, a little fencing and a garage. My son, my sister, my brother-in-law, his entire family, and I worked our tails off on this place. The A/C is now broken (it needs a new motherboard) and the garage door won't open with the remotes. Not sure what the problem is with that. Honestly. What did I do in a previous life to deserve this?
So the plan this weekend is to make some real progress on these on-going, never-ending, hung-around-my-neck projects. I'm in a nesting mood, which is good. I got up this morning and I feel like cooking. I made pasta salad. I've got the stuff to make meatballs in the fridge....I'm going to do that next, right after I finish my coffee and quit horsing around on line. Then I'm going to do some major constructive shit.
My sister just called and asked if I was up for a trip to Target.
To hell with this house...I'm going to Target.
1 comment:
Good morning Elizabeth,
I know the feeling! How I wish I could just forget about everything waiting to be done this saturday morning also.
Too many projects and so little time, plus I am enjoying my online time too much!
Have fun at Targets and if u get a chance, stop on by my blog to see what it's all about.
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