Since neither the boy or I have bought a single Christmas anything yet, we mapped out a plan to buy everything we could possibly need (gifts, food, alcohol, various sundries) through New Year's and headed to the to the mall. We debated going to dinner and then shopping vs shopping then dinner and determined that we'd shop first and eat at a place where we could have cocktails....because cocktails BEFORE shopping never really works out for me.
We bought one magical gift that we're sure the recipient will love in the first ten seconds we were at the mall, then wandered around for 45 more minutes looking at a bunch of cr@p we'd like to buy for ourselves if we hit the lotto. We got to Target and wound up in the Christmas aisle, looking at exterior illumination.
Me: You're not even putting up lights outside this year, are you?
D: No, because I don't want to have to take them all down.
Me: Then what are we doing here? We should be buying gifts!
D: I feel like we buy the same stuff every year.
Me: I'm just not feeling it either. I have no idea what to get anyone!
D: Me either. And I'm starving.
Me: Maybe we should go to BW3 and regroup.
So $34 and two huge drafts later, with full bellies and a slight buzz (and still no friggin idea what to get anybody for Christmas) we go food/booze shopping. We spent $75 at the liquor store, $40 on beer/wine and $70 on junk food; then came home and played Scrabble all evening.
Hope D's g/f LOVES her gift, cuz it looks like everyone else on our list will be getting snack food or booze.
what the hell is BW3 anyway?? out here in the sand and weeds we just go out side to drink our beer.
Lost cowboy.
Click on the link, Cowboy :)
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