Sunday, November 11, 2007

Game Day Conversation

I drove my bro-in-law to C'bus yesterday so he could go to the OSU-Illinois game with my son. After scarfing down some Cane's chicken, next stop was a bar a block away from D's apartment, about 1PM:

B-I-L: Want to do a shot?
D: Man, I don't think I can. I was drinking rum all night last night.
B-I-L: One shot. We can't go into The Shoe without having at least one short one.
D: OK...I'll have a Jaeger Bomb.
Me: Is that a drink? Or is it a shot?
D: It's both. Remember that time when I was home and I made them? With Red Bull?
Me: You mean that time you got completely plastered and stumbled all around the house?
D: Yeah...while still managing to kick your @ss at Scrabble, if you recall.

It's 24 hours later and I still haven't got a comeback. Not that I've been working on it. Much.

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