Saturday, September 01, 2007


Less than 24 hours ago, I bought a fake I-Pod. And frankly? I have no idea how I've been functioning in civilized society without one all these years. Of course it's supposed to hold 1000 songs, and I choked it with 243 songs because of some "technical difficulties" in downloading. Because I was "left to my own devices" (pun intended) while attempting to download music from my seven year old computer to my pseudo-Pod (trademark pending) with no direction at all from the family tech guy. Hopefully that tech guy will do something about this situation after the YSU - OSU game today.

But here's the cool part I didn't understand: the isolation. You can just ignore the world, as well as any moran in your vicinity, while you're plugged in and going about your business. And while you're in your personal autonomous think tank? Songs that you love with your whole soul are being injected directly into your central nervous system. As loud as you want. While you live your life. While you fold laundry. While you tinkle. While you get dressed. While you stroll around in your life. While you tune out the rest of the planet.

How cool is that?

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