Last night I made my yearly trip to a minor league ball game and I always forget in between seasons how much fun those games are. There are always people in costumes and there are contests between innings and everything is just so stinking cheap compared to major league games. It cost two bucks to park. A big beer is four bucks. Plus I only seem to go when I have free tickets so that's a real savings right there.
I noticed right off that something weird was going on at the game. For starters, an inordinate amount of people were wearing Vote for Pedro tee shirts. I actually don't personally wear shirts with words on them, but if I did, I would totally own a Vote for Pedro shirt. My friend and I find our seats and a kid gets up a few rows in front of us wearing a brownish three piece suit, made out of like corduroy. He had a head of curly hair that didn't look real. And it was 90 degrees. At 7PM. And that kid had to be roasting in his own juices. And then some guy gets on the loudspeaker and says that they have a special on tater tots. And I still don't catch on that it's Napoleon Dynamite night. God! Can I be any more pathetic? It's only like one of my most favorite movies ever.
And it turns out that Pedro was at the dang game, for crying out loud. He signed autographs. The line went on forever and I certainly didn't want to meet Pedro, but I did want to eyeball him. He signed some kid's arm with a Sharpie while we were standing there and the kid's friend said, "What did he write?', and the kid said, "He signed his real name." And then I said to my friend, "I wish I had my camera, I'd take Pedro's picture." And she said, "Well you've got your phone...doesn't it take pictures?" I really am a dumbass sometimes.
So yeah. I have a picture of Efren Ramirez on my phone. He's a lot cuter in real life than he was in the movie. I'd post it but I don't know how to get it off my phone. I said, "Hey Pedro," and he looked up at me smiling and waved and said hi back and I took his picture. It was really quite thrilling. Ask me and I'll show it to you.
And I would totally vote for Pedro.
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