Sunday, August 20, 2006


I neglected to mention that one of the bonuses on my comprehensive cable package is a preview channel that spotlights some (usually) amazingly boring network that I have no interest in for a week at a time. Like SpeedTV or ESPN Classics or FitTV.

I discovered yesterday that this week's preview has been CNN and I'm totally sucking it up. I've had it blaring all night and all day in the living room, where the only TV is. That would be the room that I'm rarely in of course; but dammit, just having it on in the building I'm occupying makes me so much more globally aware.

So on the one hand it's making me feel like back in the day when I was at a party on any given Saturday night and MTV's Alternative Nation was on and I'd glue myself to the host's TV and OD on videos I'd never seen before.

On the other hand, if I have to look at that creepy pencil necked guy that didn't kill JonBenet Ramsey one more time, I think I might barf.

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