Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I Swear

So I'm plowing along through the entertainment news on Yahoo today and I find this:

"No programmer wants to piss off their audience," CBS Entertainment President Nina Tassler told TV critics. "Creating and building viewer loyalty is why we do what we do, so when that happens, it's unfortunate."

And gee was I p*ssed. Just kidding. It was more like I heard my father saying in the back of my mind that old Nina Tassler has absolutely no class.

I admit that I'm not very careful about what I say out loud. Usually, if I think it, I say it. I cuss. Sometimes I cuss horrible. When I'm mad, I could probably make a sailor blush. And I must not be proud of that because when I hear my son cuss, I know where he got it from....not that his father is a choirboy, but his father hasn't really been much of an influence. If I hog up all the pride I can in my son's honesty and goodness and courtesy and kindess, then I have to take the shame in his f-bombs.

Interestingly, I'm very uncomfortable typing cuss words, even in email to friends who I would think nothing of saying them to. I type freaking and flipping and f-bomb, but there's something about seeing a big old bad word written down and attributed to little old me that makes me squirm. Like someone could conceivably print it off and display it to the members of my church. If a situation demands absolutely that I must cuss, I type b@st@rd or, well, p*ssed.

The one cuss word that doesn't seem to bother me much is combinations of @ss; jackass, dumbass and asshat come immediately to mind.

And in my humble opinion, I think CBS Entertainment President Nina Tassler is a jackass.

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