Tuesday, May 04, 2010

May 4

Like every year, I've been aware of the approaching anniversary of the shootings at Kent State. My high school algebra teacher was on campus that day. I read James Michener's Kent State: What Happened and Why when I was a sophomore. One of the four students that was killed; Sandra Lee Scheuer, lived a few towns over. She was walking to class that day, minding her own business, when she was shot through the throat with an M-1 rifle. She was 20 years old.

I've become a bit obsessed about reading the obituaries on line every day. It must be my age. Yesterday I came across a name that seemed vaguely familiar; but in skimming the article, I decided I did not know this 86 year old mother and grandmother that had passed...until I got to the end and it said she was preceded in death by a daughter, Sandra Lee Scheuer. Forty years ago today.

So now I'm thinking about mothers and daughters and parents and kids, and Sunday is Mother's Day, and moving on and letting go....and I'm thinking about the Macy Gray song I Can't Wait To Meetchu:

Love the life I'm livin though I'm looking forward to the day I die
Oh my lord, I can't wait to meetchu

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