Tuesday, October 12, 2010


What's with all the celebrities in Splitsville lately? It started out with Tim Robbins & Susan Sarandon and has moved on thru the ranks to the likes of David Arquette & Courtney Cox. Demi & Ashton are in Israel working on their marriage? Today, Xtina?

Sad for all concerned and whatnot, but why is it news?

Friday, October 08, 2010

Don't ask

I'm currently trying to garner support for my new "gays in the military" initiative...a response to the flap over Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

Don't Ask, Don't Care

Who's with me??

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I suck

I promised myself I would update every week and it's been weekS. A ruff coupla weekS: Job. Rec league soccer three nights a week. Netflix. Vacation is DONE and GONE. Bathroom redo. NETFLIX. Cooler weather. New TV season.


Jesus H. Christ it is AWESOME.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sh*t my boyfriend says II

Text from Big Man yesterday: "Instead of TGIF....at 4PM you can say TGIO; Thank God It's Over."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

In drag

I've been meaning to mention that we went to the drag races in Norwalk a couple weekends ago. Good times!

Best Word of the Weekend: Marsupial

Second Best Word: I forget. I'll have to ask Lisa.

Best Quote by the Big Man: I will never get a wink of sleep all night with this noise....zzzzzzzzz.

Best Question: I realize I was drinking last night but I could swear I remember a couch tied onto the back of a pick up truck and a whole family riding on it past our campsite?

Like I said: Good Frickin Times!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sh*t my boyfriend says

"It's my immaturity that keeps me young."

-Big Man at breakfast this morning. With a straight face.

(This is a shameless rip-off of Justin.)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

State of Shock

Tuesday was the 25th anniversary of Live Aid.

I'm thinking about how 25 years ago I did not yet have a child. I was, however, 6 months pregnant and as big as a house. I lived in a tiny one bedroom shack I mean house with my husband of ten minutes, who doesn't really figure into this memory, so let's move on.

My awesome friend Harry came over that afternoon and while I can't remember what we did or what we talked about, I clearly remember during the electric rendition of Mick Jagger and Tina Turner singing State of Shock together, sparks shot out of the back of my TV and it blew up. No lie.

Dear Lord, such changes in my life in the 25 years since: my child will be 25 in October and is getting married next year. That husband is long gone. My awesome friend Harry lives way the heck out in Washington state and I only see him like once every decade. Not to mention that I hooked up on line with a guy I've known since kindergarten and now we're a couple. No one saw that coming.

Let me tell ya, it's been quite the quarter-century.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Breakfast for dinner

I'm sick of food; I'm sick of cooking, I'm sick of packing lunches and I'm sick of grocery shopping. I guess the only think I'm not sick of is actually eating the food. Which is one of my favorite things.

When I was growing up, once or twice every winter my mom would make pancakes for dinner. It was awesome. Since I have no mad pancake-making skillz, we're having biscuit, egg, pepper, sausage & cheese casserole, a recipe which the Big Man and I have perfected together over the past 6 months or so. It'll be my first attempt at solo casseroling.

I think I'm ready :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Morning madness

We talk at lunch every day because there are not enough hours in the day for us to say all we need to say to each other.

Me: There was no yogurt in my lunch.

Him: I forgot. I was confused.

Me: What happened?

Him: The drainer was on the counter and there were dishes in it. There was no room to work.

Me: Why didn't you just put the dishes away? It would have taken two seconds.

Him: I don't know. It was too early to think of that?

I'll tease him about that until says something else equally as crazy. Like prolly Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother Day

This year for Mother Day, Eddie Vedder sang Just Breathe to me. Needless to say, I'm still in recovery.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

May 4

Like every year, I've been aware of the approaching anniversary of the shootings at Kent State. My high school algebra teacher was on campus that day. I read James Michener's Kent State: What Happened and Why when I was a sophomore. One of the four students that was killed; Sandra Lee Scheuer, lived a few towns over. She was walking to class that day, minding her own business, when she was shot through the throat with an M-1 rifle. She was 20 years old.

I've become a bit obsessed about reading the obituaries on line every day. It must be my age. Yesterday I came across a name that seemed vaguely familiar; but in skimming the article, I decided I did not know this 86 year old mother and grandmother that had passed...until I got to the end and it said she was preceded in death by a daughter, Sandra Lee Scheuer. Forty years ago today.

So now I'm thinking about mothers and daughters and parents and kids, and Sunday is Mother's Day, and moving on and letting go....and I'm thinking about the Macy Gray song I Can't Wait To Meetchu:

Love the life I'm livin though I'm looking forward to the day I die
Oh my lord, I can't wait to meetchu