Monday, September 01, 2008


I have a lovely neighbor lady, a couple of years older and wiser that me, that is unfailingly kind, helpful and caring. This spring she put Weed-n-Feed on her yard, had some left, and very graciously continued on with her fertilizer spreader and fed my starving front yard till her stash ran out.

As a result, the rest of the neighborhood hated me less this year because my usual bumper crop of dandelions was considerably decreased.

The flip side of that would be that my grass is lush and green. And grows very fast and very tall. You can tell which house is mine; it's the one with the yard that's always completely out of control and desperately needs cutting. Or trimming. Or raking.

I'm pretty sure the neighborhood still hates me.

I spent three hours today getting cozy with my weed whacker (I threaded it 9 frickin times....I know because I frickin counted) along with every other lawn manicuring device in my garage.

I can hardly lift my arms, both hands are still vibrating and I'm sporting a nice farmer's tan.

Here's my question: How does one say to an unfailingly kind, helpful and caring neighbor that if she puts Weed-n-Feed on my lawn next year? well, there's gonna be dust up.

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