Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Today is my only brother's birthday and we had a tiny family shindig at my house to celebrate. Sissy and the kids across the street came over with brownies and candles and I made pizza and bro brought salad and we drank beer and had pretty much fun, for a family that's still trying to find our equilibrium after the loss of our parents five years ago.

Tonight was a numbers game....for example:

Number of years big bro has lived on this earth: 49

Number of hands little one-and-a-half year old nephew has: At least 15

Number of times little nephew started my dishwasher: At least 15

Number of times we lit the birthday candle so all children present (2) could have a turn to blow it out: 4

Number of times kitty came in the house and said, "WTF, I'm outta here," and went back outside: 3

Number of times I went to the fridge and got myself a beer: I'm going to guess 12, but I'm thinking that might be conservative estimate

Number of times the adults went out on the smoking porch to light up: Not nearly enough

Number of times Dora The Explorer chattered loudly from my computer while the adults were trying to talk: 67

Number of times I shut the bi-fold doors to the living room to lock little nephew in with us so someone could keep him from climbing into the Kitty Carry-All or starting the dishwasher: 42

Number of hours my family was at my house tonight: 2? They were only here for 2 hours????

Number of times Sissy looked at little nephew and said to me, "He's tough, isn't he?": 4 million

Amount of love I have for these people who happen to be related to me; who have to love me no matter what, and who I have to love no matter what: Infinity...and then a whole lot more.

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